
Soul Design Innercise Workout (Online Course)

The secret to living a happy, free and fulfilled life. You can Turn your life around no from the inside out with my magic formula that has every area covered: Mind, Body, & Soul. If you are finally ready to say good bye to feeling stuck, anxious, not good enough, doubting yourself, scared to be you, playing small and creating sickness in your body and mind then this program is for you. And it is really all about you, you are the magic, the secret sauce. And here’s the thing no matter what your life looks like now you can definitely turn it around. Believe me you are no different from anybody else, but what you are is extremely powerful, and when we harness that power, we are unstoppable. You too can live a happy life with confidence, connection, abundance and freedom. I would love to help you on your journey, all you have to do is choose it.

As I have been in the health & fitness industry for the past 30yrs I have created this course to resemble your workouts at the gym, but instead of exercise we are going to innercise.  Of course, it is great to look good but it’s a game changer if you truly feel good inside.

I have created Seven steps to get you through your mental Soul Design Workout to get rid of struggling, doubting, feeling unworthy, anxiety and give you back a life of happiness, confidence and inner peace that is your birth right - because you matter, you belong, you are here for a reason.  I do this by using the most powerful and effective techniques out there such as hypnosis, visualization, meditation, EFT, and NLP to tap into your highest wisdom and go to the root cause. For me it’s all about alignment and when you are truly connected to your soul, your higher inner being who knows what’s best for you, life becomes a lot easier and every aspect of your life will change for the better. The good news is though you already have everything you need; it’s just been hiding inside of you. So don’t waste any more of your time by not being you – it’s your time right now to step into the wonderful person you were born to be. So if you feel this resonates with you I’d love it if you joined us - just click on the button below and I look forward to connecting with you.

What you get

7 Live on-line tutorials with me where we have time together to go over the video relating to that week, where you can ask any questions, and go over any queries or concerns you may have. We will also start each session with a healing meditation. These sessions are recorded for you if you are unable to attend live. Valued at £450

7 Recorded videos, explaining in detail each process, Valued at £250

Each step has resources like exercises to do, meditations, visualizations, hypnosis to make your transformation as easy as possible for you to implement and lock in so you make lifetime changes that stay with you forever. Valued at £120


Seven Steps

1. Getting yourself to the gym – First step to taking back your power and turning your life around

2. Induction – Understand your equipment – mind, body connection, how the conscious, subconscious mind works, and understanding the rules of the mind

3. Your Locker Key – Unlock your subconscious mind and remove old limiting beliefs and fears that are running your life and install a new program

4. High Vibe Workout – Discover the two fastest ways to increase your vibration and healing journey to manifest your dream life

5. High Energy Workout – Restore your very own energy system in your body and biofield

6. Yoga Workout – Use your breath and meditation to reconnect with your soul

7. Post Workout Routine – Live your life in balance and flow with self- love and care




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EFT Exercise if you are feeling stuck, and this tapping exercise will help you feel more grounded and centred.

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