I have been in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years, and more recently, I have become extremely interested in our internal state of mind and body, as l believe this is the key to living a happy, healthy, fulfilled life. So many people feel stuck, anxious, unworthy, doubt themselves, or have a lack of confidence. Instead of exercise, I turned to 'innercise' to see how I could help people move forward with their lives and let go of a lot of old baggage which can and does make you ill. Of course its great to look good but its a game changer when you are truly happy inside. I am passionate about helping and working with people, so making the mind, body and soul connection totally aligned with me as so many people struggle internally, especially now after the last few years. For me it really is all about alignment and flow, and when you are truly connected to your soul; your higher inner being who knows what’s best for you, life becomes a lot easier and every aspect of your life will change for the better.
My idea of bliss is a house full of love and laughter, a calm mind and a fit and healthy body.
FREE GIFT to help you get grounded (normally retails at £34.99)
EFT Exercise if you are feeling stuck, and this tapping exercise will help you feel more grounded and centred.